de_tuscan Counter-Terrorist 28 Terrorist 26

Jan 5 2025 01:26AM - Jan 5 2025 02:39AM


Name RWS Frags Assists Deaths Clutches C4 Points Accuracy % HS % ADR FPR Roundsfalse
Melody 14.56 322 24 213 13 16 21.332 15.408 106.6 1.042 309
Lewis 13.87 1,207 103 841 36 106 17.841 22.730 107.2 1.021 1,182
unneuteredspirit 12.17 587 32 476 15 22 18.389 34.038 89.4 0.887 662
AngryXD99-OFFICAL399 9.65 123 13 139 2 4 16.872 12.688 73.0 0.647 190
art 8.13 657 38 744 13 72 17.631 21.639 69.7 0.688 955
kayzor 7.00 549 42 740 24 113 10.292 16.824 55.3 0.534 1,029


Name RWS Frags Assists Deaths Clutches C4 Points Accuracy % HS % ADR FPR Roundsfalse
FayLawnmower</3 15.06 768 62 520 13 57 17.421 17.870 115.4 1.088 706
Mickey 14.85 1,413 112 982 32 43 23.613 21.599 113.0 1.044 1,353
THEPOPE1337 11.26 291 19 253 9 16 17.530 23.443 90.0 0.839 347
`Jao-Back in OZ!(brotherofjao) 10.71 201 15 153 10 25 19.018 14.516 80.5 0.807 249
b-rad 10.65 1,843 154 1,642 76 199 17.753 9.928 81.8 0.789 2,335
m70 10.50 1,313 123 1,319 33 76 15.864 14.483 83.1 0.761 1,726
mac[] nom_nom_nomis 9.68 264 25 251 12 36 18.454 10.729 77.4 0.737 358
cooler than a cola 7.32 59 9 80 1 5 11.781 21.591 62.9 0.573 103
Adolf hitla is my nigga 7.23 397 38 540 11 33 11.043 23.619 60.7 0.542 733
RWS >10% of expected win contributionRWS within 10% of expectedRWS <10% of expected